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Refer a Campground

The Campground Referral Program Pays Fifty Dollars ($50.00)

Throughout the years, many members and participating campground owners have referred campgrounds they would like to see participating with Passport America. Many refer parks to us either to receive a 50% discount during their stay or share the many great benefits of the Passport America Campground Participation Program.

We at Passport America would like to express our gratitude for helping our business grow by providing those who successfully refer campgrounds to Passport America and the park joins a referral commission of $50.00 per campground.

What do I receive for referring a campground to Passport America and the campground joins?
If a member or a participating campground owner refers a campground (which is currently not participating with Passport America) and the park joins, Passport America pays $50.00.
Must I have an active Passport America membership to receive the referral commission?
Yes, you must have an active Passport America Membership or be a Participating Passport America Campground Owner to receive the referral commission.
How do I receive Passport America and Campground Agreement Contracts for campground referrals?
Simply call Passport America toll free (800) 283-7183, Monday-Friday, 8AM-5PM and Saturday 9AM-4PM CST or email your requests to info@passport-america.com. Any requested amount of Passport America and Campground Agreement Contracts will be sent to you anywhere you like.
Must I give the PA Campground Agreement to the campground owner or can PA send it to the campground owner for me?
Passport America can either send you Agreement Contracts for you to distribute directly to the campground owner, or you can call (800) 283-7183 and give the information (the campground's name, mailing address and your ID#) to a helpful Passport America Member Support Representative. Also, don't hesitate emailing that information to info@passport-america.com. However we receive information regarding sending an information package to a potential participating campground, your ID number will be written on the Agreement Contract before it is mailed to the campground from our office.
How will Passport America know that I referred the park?
On the first page of the Passport America and Campground Agreement Contract there is a specific place for "Referred By" information. Please write your Passport America ID number in the specified area, along with your name. This will properly identify you, and insure that you receive the referral commission.
When will I receive the $50 referral commission?
Referral commission checks are mailed no later than 6 months following the approval of the Passport America and Campground Agreement Contract. Please call us toll free: (800) 283-7183 if you have any further questions regarding the Passport America Campground Referral Program. A Passport America Member Support Representative will be very happy to help you.
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